Friday, 8 April 2011

a short post

Hope my studio colleagues are enjoying at least some of the sunshine... The rising tide of tracing paper threatens to engulf me: alas, I am not able to keep my blogging up to date... please be reassurred that the designs for Jubilee Gardens are progressing um.... steadily! In the meantime, please have a look at this intriguing blog- The Charnel House- and have a quick read of some correspondence between Le Corbusier and Moisei Ginzburg ... Some sketch plans to go up soon, I promise!


  1. Well had a pleasant read. When reading both arguments sound plausible. But i found myself asking and thinking that man will always strive for his own family and the idea of a collective is always doomed to failure.
    So my humble addition, dwellings in town or country need to have room for individual innovation to help create ownership. Design for modern living yes, but leave room for expression, how ever untidy.

    Which is what i do well!

    Nice link Joey

  2. Absolutely. I think that if the Soviet "experiments" of the last century taught us anything it is that collectivism cannot be maintained by enforcement, and there must always be a place for the individual.

    The individual versus the collective: a very old debate, right?

    The recent decision of the French government to ban the wearing of the veil raises many questions, I think. On the one hand, it is all about libertie, fraternatie and egalitie... but should the state be telling you what to wear? Just because we're equal does not mean tha we are the same: trite, I know, but this does eventually lead to Mao's pyjamas or Holiday in Cambodia/where people dress in black...

  3. Now thats a book title, 'Mao's Pyjamas'
    Good one for The Booker!

    Love the French and their attitude towards euro politics ,do as i say, not as i do!


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