Tuesday, 28 December 2010
Friday, 17 December 2010
Sketchbook Found!
(This is after I asked the staff at the lab if a sketchbook had been handed in, to which they replied "no", only for me to find it weeks later under a pile of abandoned A1s next to the big scanner. Very weird...)
Friday, 10 December 2010
I think I left my sketchbook in the computer lab Monday evening. It's definitely not at home and it's nowhere to be seen.
If anyone comes across it please let me know- it's got all my best jokes in it.
Revised Concept Briefs & Vision Statements
Jubilee Gardens is to be reconnected to the fabric of the South Bank, the river Thames and Waterloo station- it will no longer function as the “doormat” of the London Eye. The successful proposal will extend the cultural programme of the South Bank into the space presently occupied by Jubilee gardens. It will re-connect residents, tourists , visitors and workers to the site, the river and beyond.
· To connect the site culturally
· To connect the site ecologically
· To re-connect with the river
· To-reconnect with local residents
· To connect to the digital world
· To create a world class addition to the urban landscape
· Extend the site into the River Thames
· Establish links and green corridors to neighbouring green spaces
· Include one or performance areas
· Ensure space can manage current programmatic use whilst generating new sequence of performance and encounter spaces
· Create new digital as well as physical space and include interactive site features
· Include cafe/ restaurant/ commercial spaces
“Both conduit and node”
At present, Jubilee Gardens exists as nearly two acres of underused space at the epicentre of London’s most vibrant cultural centre. A This proposal sees Jubilee Gardens as the connective tissue between a number of adjoining physical and metaphysical elements on a multitude of levels that will reinvigorate the immediate environment and create a truly world class environment. This new connective space will be a conduit and a node, a thoroughfare and gathering-place.
"Connecting High and Low culture, resident and visitor"
The design proposes to reconnect this space- literally and figuratively- with the cultural programme of the South Bank. Visitors to the London Eye and local residents need to connect with this programme also.
“Connecting east with west”
The site sits to along a section of the Thames that runs from south to north. To the east, Waterloo sits oblivious to the activities of the gardens. To the west, a new connection with the river- its rhythms and its oscillations- is long overdue.
“Connecting environments”
Does a space that concentrates on social and cultural issues have to exclude ecology and biodiversity? This proposal will integrate neighbouring green spaces and provide ecological corridors without compromising the cultural programme.
“connecting to the digital realm”
Locally activated applications, accessible only at the site, could provide opportunities to visit both the physical site and a parallel, virtual site. Technology pioneered in Toronto could enable users to store and share files, pick up last minute tickets for the south bank and to make new social connections. This interactive element will provide a new sense of ownership for all site users, as well as offering residents greater involvement with the programme of events.
“The performance of everyday life”
Space is event, events are performances and performances depend upon performers. This site will connect users to the street-performers whilst maximising the number of social encounters possible, so that they too will become performers.
· Establish and survey patterns of use to devise new, connective organisational structure
· Use of contemporary architectural structural elements that “sit” comfortably amidst the built environment
· Use of environmentally friendly, sustainable materials
· Develop interest in digital/ interactive elements of site during construction process to build excitement and establish ownership by site users
· “Digitally live”, phased project to minimise disruption
· Creation of sequential spaces with contributions from artists, garden designers, sculptors etc.
· Follow ecologically conscious, native planting scheme whilst maintaining contemporary design aesthetic
Jubillee Gardens is to be redesigned as a working urban farm in the heart of London’s cultural quarter. It will provide the opportunity for members of the local community to gain skills in agriculture and horticulture and promote urban food production.
The facility will be operated and managed by a co-operative of community groups.
· To create an urban farm on the site of jubilee gardens incorporating both arable and pastoral land.
· To provide local school children, youth groups and residents with vocational skills in horticulture, food growing and animal husbandry
· To operate a working, operationally transparent, self-sufficient organic farm
· To educate visitors and resident about the importance of urban food production, food security and sustainable farming methods
· To acknowledge the large volume of visitors to and through the site throughout the year
· To connect the site to the adjoining environment
· Site must provide land allocated for allotment style micro-agriculture
· Provide comfortable and secure space for a variety of farmyard animals
· Site must include education centre to “re-skill” the local populace
· Site must provide visitor centre and cafe (revenue generation)
· Site must provide access to all or most of the area 7 days a week during daylight hours
· Include hay/flower meadow
· Sit comfortably amidst vernacular architecture of the site
· Farm will be managed along organic lines and be as self-sufficient as possible
This proposal envisages an urban farm which embraces the future whilst acknowledging Britain’s the past. Jubilee Gardens is to be reborn as Jubilee Farm: a radical project that is reflected in a radical aesthetic.
In a homage to strip farming, the site will be organised into longitudinal strips parallel to the river Thames. Whislt the site will be bisected by a diagonal path linking Hungerford Bridge to Belvedere Road, the majority of the site will be fenced off, accessible via the visitor centre. Pedestrians will be able to enjoy the woodland edge habitats created on the sites fringe, glimpsing free-range livestock through an encircling woodland.
The present site of the car park will function as a food market, encouraging the sale of local produce and that grown on site. A visitor centre located here will feature green roofs for food production. Cutting into the landscape of the higher elevation jubilee gardens, the green roofs will give way to glasshouses.
· Phase development involving local populace
· Employment of suitable management and staff from within local population
· Establish links with local youth groups, schools and adult education centres to engage in educational programme
· Create a local, not-for-profit cooperative to eventually run the site
· “Closed loop” management policy- minimisation of waste and energy
· Hedgerow/ woodland edge planting scheme, native grass pasture and meadows, food production area
Monday, 6 December 2010
master plan scenario - connective (draft)
(of these scenarios, please! It's no Cellar Door... oh, that's a phrase not a word? What about celador?)
Once again- vision and brief merged in this draft form. Will really have to tease out the brief from the vision and make more coherent...
“Both conduit and node”
At present, Jubilee Gardens exists as nearly two acres of underused space at the epicentre of London’s most vibrant cultural centre. A This proposal sees Jubilee Gardens as the connective tissue between a number of adjoining physical and metaphysical elements on a multitude of levels that will reinvigorate the immediate environment and create a truly world class environment. This new connective space will be a conduit and a node, a thoroughfare and gathering-place.
"Connecting High and Low culture, resident and visitor"
The design proposes to reconnect this space- literally and figuratively- with the cultural programme of the South Bank. Visitors to the London Eye and local residents need to connect with this programme also.
“Connecting east with west”
The site sits to along a section of the Thames that runs from south to north. To the east, Waterloo sits oblivious to the activities of the gardens. To the west, a new connection with the river- its rhythms and its oscillations- is long overdue.
“Connecting environments”
Does a space that concentrates on social and cultural issues have to exclude ecology and biodiversity? This proposal will integrate neighbouring green spaces and provide ecological corridors without compromising the cultural programme.
“connecting to the digital realm”
Locally activated applications, accessible only at the site, could provide opportunities to visit both the physical site and a parallel, virtual site. Technology pioneered in Toronto could enable users to store and share files, pick up last minute tickets for the south bank and to make new social connections. This interactive element will provide a new sense of ownership for all site users, as well as offering residents greater involvement with the programme of events.
“The performance of everyday life”
Space is event, events are performances and performances depend upon performers. This site will connect users to the street-performers whilst maximising the number of social encounters possible, so that they too will become performers.
· To create an organising, connective structure by uncovering patterns of use
· To connect the site culturally
· To connect the site ecologically
· To re-connect with the river
· To-reconnect with local residents
· To connect to the digital world
· To create a world class addition to the urban landscape
· Open up space views and circulation to rest of South Bank
· Establish links and green corridors to neighbouring green spaces
· Create beach-deck-queen’s walk interface
· Ensure space can manage current programmatic use whilst generating new sequence of performance and encounter spaces
· Create new digital space, devise software for use, encourages new users of cultural centre
· Establish and survey patterns of use to devise new, connective organisational structure
· Use of contemporary architectural structural elements that “sit” comfortably amidst the built environment
· Use of environmentally friendly, sustainable materials
· Develop interest in digital/ interactive elements of site during construction process to build excitement and establish ownership by site users
· “Digitally live”, phased project to minimise disruption
· Creation of sequential spaces with contributions from artists, garden designers, sculptors etc.
· Follow ecologically conscious, native planting scheme whilst maintaining contemporary design aesthetic
master plan scenario- alternative (draft)
I hated doing this one! Really got stuck on the word
Jubilee gardens should demonstrate the viability and exciting possibilities of alternative sources of energy. The site is to be funded and maintained through corporate sponsorship (perhaps from the adjacent shell building). Additionally the site will be fully interactive- visitors will be able to redesign and remodel the site- consisting of fully mobile structural hard and soft landscape elements. A radial organisational structure centred on a series of mobile, concentric rings tethers the site to the London Eye- London’s most popular tourist destination.
· To transform the entire site into a giant, kinetic sculpture celebrating alternative energy powered by solar, wind and tidal energy
· To create a site comprising of mobile landscape elements- from barriers to seating, shelters to play apparatus- all movable via an interactive system of controls by members of the public
· To create a world-class landscape that will be the envy of the world- a contemporary “great exhibition”
· To create the necessary site mechanics to organise and facilitate mobile elements
· To enable human interface with the redesigning of the site
· To build a radial organisational structure
· To create an exhibition pavilion with a constantly updated exhibition on new sustainable and alternative energy sources and technology
· Research the most efficient and cost effective way to realise alternative energies on the site
· Engage the public and local designers with the creation of individual landscape elements
· Devise an effective way of managing the organisational structure and mechanics of the movable landscape
· Architectural/ structural planting scheme- also hardy so can exist in containers/ planters (mobile)
master plan scenario - educational (draft)
This proposal for Jubilee Gardens seeks to provide the South Bank with an urban farm in the heart of London’s cultural centre. The new centre will provide the opportunity for both residents and visitors to experience the pleasure and utility of food production and animal husbandry in the urban environment. The farm will be organic and as self-sufficient as possible, in keeping with the sustainability ethos of urban farming. As well as being open to members of the public, the new development will offer local residents to develop vocational skills in horticulture and agriculture.
· To create an urban farm on the site of jubilee gardens incorporating both arable and pastoral land.
· To provide local school children, youth groups and residents with vocational skills in horticulture, food growing and animal husbandry
· To operate a working, operationally transparent, self-sufficient organic farm
· To educate visitors and resident about the importance of urban food production. Food security and sustainable farming methods
· Site must provide land allocated for allotment style micro-agriculture
· Provide comfortable and secure space for a variety of farmyard animals
· Site must provide access to all or most of the area 7 days a week during daylight hours
· Sit comfortably amidst vernacular architecture of the site
· Site must include education centre to “re-skill” the local populace
· Site must provide visitor centre and cafe (revenue generation)
· Farm will be managed along organic lines and be as self-sufficient as possible
· Phase development involving local populace
· Employment of suitable management and staff from within local population
· Establish links with local youth groups, schools and adult education centres to engage in educational programme
· Create a local, not-for-profit cooperative to eventually run the site
· “Closed loop” management policy- minimisation of waste and energy
· Hedgerow/ woodland edge planting scheme, native grass pasture and meadows, food production area
master plan scenarios
Ahead of the master planning session I tried to come up with a set of diagrammatic symbols- the challenge: stay unique without losing the universality of primitive semiotics. If that sounds pretentious, it will be because I've been deconstructing Derrida of late.
The real reason I was doodling away, however, was writer's block, pure and simple.I lost a lot of sleep trying to come up with a vision for the alternative master plan scenario. Guess what? My idea for rotating landscape (inspired by J-Pez) had already been envisaged by Antoine!
...and then that old chestnut, monotone rendering.
Pretty unextraordinary (ordinary?) rendition...